Well, what else could I do then to email her and ask her if:
a) I could come over for breakfast.
b) Do a trade.
Sadly, she responded in her email that she wasn't much of a "potions and lotions" gal. Well, geez, I don't know if I've ever met anyone NOT into products. No tantalizing Leslie with my only positve trade-able asset? Hmm. I couldn't drive to Tampa for breakfast. A fast friendship was growing, but a drive was not happening. Sorry Leslie, I know how much my presense would be appreciated because I'd eat ALL of your fattening leftovers and save you from yourself. (Yeah, I read Fat Jeans)
I must be able to offer something she might like. She seemed reluctant, but would do a trade and maybe she'd use the cream before bed. She didn't want to interfere with her perfume. Not a product junkie? Huh. My new goal: To make Leslie a Product Body junkie. For life.
Then her box arrived. As I was ripping the package open, it occured to me that her baking could be a flop and how was I suppose to be nice about it if it was inedible? Then my thoughts went to: Oh no! What if she hates my products? This whole trade could be a nightmare.
This is what I found in the box....

Moist and smelly good. When I cut into it, a coconutty banana scent wafted up and knocked me right onto my very own slice of heaven. I am in love - It's official. Two breads arrived and I was doubly pleased. It is the best banana bread I have EVER eaten. And I make a pretty mean loaf. Who thinks to put coconut into banana bread? It's pure genious and I thank my lucky stars that I stumbled on The Hungry Housewife and bookmarked it on the day that I did.
Sadly, I only have one loaf left and I think I am not sharing it with anyone. More fat on my hips, better to knock you over with, my dear.
How cool would it be to have a monthly trade with a new friend? She sends me a treat and I send her a treat. We could even get a theme going every month to see how creative we could get. The more I think about it the more I love the idea.
Leslie wrote about the trade, too. Maybe she will turn into a "potions and lotions" gal after all.
What fun! I only just started doing trades...a lovely gal in CA sent me walnut ink (cool stuff) for my soaps. I'll have to actually make some more things to trade. :>
Well, what nice things you had to say about my goodies!!!Thank you!
And I am up for a trade anytime my friend..just let me know when you get hungry again!!!
What you girls did is such a fun thing to do! I read at leslie about your products and they sounded lovely!
Just read Leslie's blog....what a cool story with such a happy ending! I am psyched for both of you!!
That is so awesome! Looks like you BOTH totally lucked out. I would definitely be up for a trade one day if you're ever interested! Just let me know and we'll work something yummy out :)
What a fun experiment and it's great that both ends are so happy with their trade off. Isn't life grand sometimes?
That's hilarious - both that she wasn't initially sure about the trade and then you got cold feet about your final report. =) So glad it worked out perfectly for both of you. You're a lucky gal to have someone to trade delicious food with ...
Yay! How great! Those loaves are adorable, isn't she cute?! I recently found her blog too, so I am too new to have seen this recipe posted but I think I might have to search for it!
Your products are so cute!
I am so jealous!!!!!!
What a fun idea. I love to swap things too. Not only does that bread look scrumptious, but Leslie sounds like a hoot too.
Well, yum that sounds good (that is both trades!)
Those look soooo good! Banana bread is one of my favorites. You gave her some great products too. I'm glad it turned out so well for both of you = )
I agree. I just stumbled on her blog and bookmarked it immediately. It was the Banana Bread French Toast that caught my attention too.
I agree. I just stumbled on her blog and bookmarked it immediately. It was the Banana Bread French Toast that caught my attention too.
I agree. I just stumbled on her blog and bookmarked it immediately. It was the Banana Bread French Toast that caught my attention too.
wow it was so nice of both of you swapping your creations! kudos!
how fun that you did a trade off! your products seem so wonderful! and her bread looks so yummy!
~We trade food for soap all the time!:) Just a few weeks ago I traded 2 bottles of liquid soap for a 20lb. box of apricots, then I turned them into jam!! Trade is good,
products = currency!:)
Hey, I found your blog via Leslie's post on your trade, what a beautiful site! Your goodies look amazing and what a great idea. Will definitely be visiting again soon xxx
Hayley @ AwayWithTheFairycakes
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