Well, I put it out there, and Crush On You is usually the place I start with new scents, because I think people are more willing to dive into an unfamiliar scent with Crush On You because it washes off. This month, Sparkling Champagne has become our best seller! Who knew? Of course with help of Maya at Wedding Bee who tipped off a flock of women who are getting ready to take the plunge.
To celebrate, I tip my latte and slurp a little caffeine down so I can gear up and make more batches of the lovely bubbly Crush.
Yummy, Champagne!
Congrats. As always well deserved.
I really like it. It reminds me of nice memories before I go to bed!
Yahhh-Hoo! That's awesome news for you. You deserve the press, recognition and customers. =) And, what an excellent fragrance choice as well. I so love Champagne fragrance.
How funny-- I just got out of the shower and used my Champagne Crush on You. I was just thinking how I would love if you made this a permanent scent-- I love it so much!!! :)
Oh, Joanna I'm so happy for you. It sounds like Crush on You is a fantastic product. I want to pick up one, one of these days. The urge is so strong!
I just received my first order of Product Body last week - and let me tell you - the Champagne scent - AMAZING :) I remember the first time I used it thinking - man bummer this is a limited time scent! Glad to hear it may be around for a while!
Also - I had no clue what Yuzu smelled like - but I really wanted the Bubble Rubble, so I ordered it - smells amazing too!
that is so exciting about the good reviews! Congrats! I will have to try Crush on You next! I just placed my first order, and I cannot wait to try my tangerine whipped dream! I am so excited :)
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