Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Am I A Control Freak?

It's hard to be lying in bed all sweaty and achy while my husband mans the shop and puts together the orders I almost completed on Saturday. I know he's competent. I am just so used to me doing it all myself that when I am not there, I feel like I have no control. And I don't. So this whole idea of control is really a bigger issue.

Since I'm already in a lying down position, there's no need to sit down to think about control. I'm here, in the most relaxed and exposed position known to man. On my back. Like a turtle. So I'm thinking, "Am I into control? Do I need to have things go the way I want them to go? Do I need to maneuver situations in order to guide things to my desired outcome?"

My answer is no. I am just not one of those people. I mean, I'm not someone to be walked all over or just shrug my shoulders at any idea. I am not a slug with a lack of input. I just don't carry agendas that are inflexible.

So why is it that when I am not at work, and others are doing my job, do I feel a bit worried, like somehow it might not be done right? Again, super competent husband doing really easy packaging and labeling work.... I suppose if we had a bigger staff and we had individuals doing specific jobs, I could let go of the control.

Ok, I am achy now and my little moment of stress should have been a moment of Zen. My oatmeal and water must settle and now I need to nap.

I hate fever aches. :(



nikki c said...

get well soon! i hate spring colds & flu ... no fun.

FuturePrimitive Soap Co. said...

awww, get well soon Jo..I just got over a head cold..one month before I had an awful chest cold...ok now just about! Don't stress about the business..it's all good x

robiewankenobie said...

i'm voting that it's because you are sick as a dog and your judgment is skewed. now go back to bed!

Cathy Winsby said...

I'm the same way. I always feel the need to do everything myself. At least when it comes to my soap business.

I think I drive my family kinda crazy. Oh well...their weird in their own ways too!!

Here's hoping you feel better soon!!

Suds to Love said...

Get well soon!

egassner said...

At least it's good to know I'm not the only one! I hate not being the one to do 'things'. I hope you do start feeling better soon!

Anne-Marie said...

Get well soon! And know that the control freak tendencies get worse the larger the staff. Because then you just have 5, 10 or 15 more people to wonder if jobs are being done accurately. Think complexity multipliers ....

Unknown said...

Once you know someone is "trained" and you have confidence in them, delegation is extremely liberating! Plus, it may be necessary to grow your biz, so try to let go and enjoy the help. Easier said than done, I know! :)

Get well soon!

Crystal said...

I hope you get well soon. My kids and I just got over the flu also and it was no fun. I can completely relate to you on the control thing, if I'm not the one doing my work, then I stress about everything.

arnv said...

Get well soon!
Read poems

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon, Joanna!

Mia said...

feel better soon!

Kim said...

Sorry you are feeling lousy :(

I know the feeling re: control freak. I beat myself up when I don't execute something perfectly, so I am afraid of what I might do with someone else. My best friend started volunteering one day every week to help me with my business and so far, she's been great. Maybe there is hope after all!

Get better soon!

Heidi said...

So I'm a little late, but I had to say that I felt the same way when I left the younger 2 kids with my husband tonight. He's perfectly capable of taking good care of them, but I feel like something's going to go wrong if I'm not there. I'm such a control freak ;0)

Selenia said...

Get better soon - and I have the exact same problem delegating anything to anybody, whether it's my job or just a random project I'm working on :(