Friday, January 18, 2008

My Mother's Group Therapy Session

A funny story told by my mother, long time psychotherapist and Product Body junkie:

I run a women's group therapy session each week.  There are about 7 women who are truly dynamite.  We decided to take a 3 week break for Christmas because all of us were going to be very busy.  I gave each of the women Product Body cream and Crush on You as a holiday gift.
Well, we finally got back together and the group was a bit rusty.  Interactions were superficial and there were long silences between these interactions.  Finally I said "You are playing it awfully safe tonight.  Could you look around the room and say one significant statement to someone here tonight."  Well, after they recovered from the shock of my challenge to them, one of the members, said "So, what did you think of that Crush on You?"  We all laughed and group resumed on a much better note.  

Thanks Jo for saving group.  Love, Mom

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

So funny - I can totally see that happening. After all, your Crush On You is totally conversation worthy and fabulous .... =)