Click The City- (TOKYO) Everything at the cafe is made with green tea. I'd love to try that!

Food Lover's Journey blog has green tea cupcakes (AUSTRALIA)

Found this at Life Of Guangzhou -The inside is filled with a sweet taro pudding and the outside provides a wonderful clean green tea flavor
I watched a show last night with a famous chef traveling through Hong Kong and even though I had just eaten dinner, I got famished for delicious foodie delights! Yum.
Ooh, that show wouldn't happen to be the Tony Bourdain one, would it? I drooled all over my chair at that one. I miss Hong Kong for the food, but I don't miss living there. On the other hand, it was sure nice to be a majority rather than a minority. :}
Green tea - healthy and now funky as well. What a concept!
Ooooh. Every time I look at these goodies I get hungry!
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