For over 40 years, the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers turn the Chicago River green for the St. Patrick's Day Parade celebration. This was created by Mike Butler and his crew beginning in 1961. You can visit Mike at his web site for more river dying information at, www.greenchicagoriver.com.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Now that is a very cool find! Looks like the city turns out for this event--I'd say that is worth it's weight in "dye"...
It's my daughter's b-day today--Happy Birthday Tami!-- we celebrated with corn beef & cabbage with green pizza (yum).
One of these days I'm going to make it to Chicago for St. Patty's day. Knowing me, we'll wait until we've moved 3 states away = )
Thats pretty neat! I always cook corned beef & Cabbage for St. Patty's Day, but thats about it. Lol. Thanks for sharing!
It is pretty wild. It's like green monster slime.
I wonder how much color they have to use to get it to that color!? Some of our staff once tried to dye the local fountain (bad staff, bad staff) and it took a lot of color to do it.
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