With holiday gift sets and scents brewing at work, I can say that I have been a little busy. Not only am I trying to get orders out, I am trying to THINK, which is difficult when I am in go-go motion. It's kind of like when you lay out your children's lunch bags, and as you fill each lunch box with the same items...plop...plop...plop, blip, blip, blip, then someone comes up to you asks you to check a math question. Okay. Stop. Think. Finish checking (which actually takes me a little time because I am not quick with the math), then before I zip back into my assembly line of lunch goods, I have to readjust my brain to that mode and it does take a few seconds to return to normal. I feel like sometimes I'm like a Roomba. Ever had one of those? Well I had one once until I ran it into the ground and burned out the motor I loved it so much.
A Roomba is a self propelled, self taught, space ship-looking vacuum cleaner. It used to be that I could turn it on, leave the house and return home with the first floor pretty close to being dust free, or hairball free, whatever. Unfortunately, half the time, the thing would get caught under the same chair and beep for 30 minutes before shutting itself off. I think mine was mentally challenged because it didn't LEARN to not go under that dumb chair every day. So I guess I'm saying I sometimes feel like a Roomba, because I'm moving along doing a fine job, I hit a wall, stop, do a turn, adjust myself and move along, and I keep doing that until I get stuck under the stupid chair.
Ever get information-laden and feel sopped up and need a moment to let it absorb deeper?
I've always wondered if Roombas work! Some friend of ours had a similar thing for cleaning their pool which worked like a dream (probably because there are no chairs at the bottom of their pool!) :)
All the time! Especially these days when I'm juggling so many things. I feel like I can never get in a groove because there are 4 little crisis waiting to happen = )
Every so often, yes, especially when I go upstairs for a particular reason, get there and realize I can't remember why I went up there... Hugs to you as you work on family, business and Holiday stuff!
My youngest son, at the age of 22, wanted this for Christmas, because he had his own place...ummm
I think he probably thought more computer time, more game time, etc...
It really does work...
Hah...funny! You are way smarter than that Roomba, honey, even if you think you're stuck in a spot sometimes mentally. I think it's because you take on too much.
I'd love to have a Roomba; it could run once every 12 hours when I'm not actually doing the vacuuming myself. ;>
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