I decided that with life being crazy busy with business, blogging and family, that I should be more noticing of things. So, from now on, I will try to take notice of things and share some of these with you at least once a week. My weekly series will be called Smell The Roses. This will remind me to do just that.
Here is my first installation:

Joanna~Nice reminder~ something we all need to do.
I hope you are okay.
Funny you should mention you weren't feeling 100% because I was thinking last night that I should email you and ask how you were feeling in terms of the Crohn's Disease and the inflammation that you had had back in May.
Thanks for the lovely reminder to smell the roses, and I hope that you'll start to feel much, much better very soon!
Feel better soon!
I'm with you on the feeling tired thing. I wonder about impact our blogs are having on us? I know I blog rather than read, or blog rather than watch a movie (or while watching a movie), or blog in my mind when I should be paying attention to a conversation.
Maybe all of that extra work, on top of what you normally do, is making you feel more lethargic than usual?
I hope you feel more like yourself soon!
Hey there, Joanna! I hope you feel better really soon! Take some time for yourself~ you deserve it!!
I love the pics and the message. You are so right, we need to enjoy these moments.
xoxo Heather
Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia/Cronic Fatigue/RA? They're autoimmune like Crohn's, and may be what you're going thru. I have Fibromyalgia/RA and your symptoms sound very familiar to me.
Thyroid is another potential suspect.
Hope you feel better! Keep us posted! ~kelley
hmmm.. I have thought of Fibromyalgia, but isn't that a diagnosis that was thought up for an unknown sickness... ?? I will look into it, Kelley, thank you...
take care of yourself joanna, I hate to hear that you have not been feeling well. thanks for the reminder to take time . I just got back from vacation where I napped everyday and really took in everything around me. I just need to bring that into everyday life now. easier said than done :)
Be well, get rest.
I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I'm sure the stress of all you have to do doesn't help.
I feel like the summer is getting away from me because I'm trying to do so much. Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses. My roses are growing like crazy and won't be yound for long =)
uh, young that is...
Back again just to "check-in" to see if you are feeling any better? Have you had the time to go to that beautiful beach?
Fibromyalgia is sometimes an easy rx when nothing else fits, but there are tests that they can do (one is where they touch points on your body and your pain reaction is an indication of fm). It is a real condition (and it can be a real pia lol).
They can also test your blood ana/ra levels to give an indication of what's going on. Can you get an appt. with a rheumatologist?
Email me, please!
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