Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wahooo! And Can I Bitch For A Sec?

My eyes are blurring. I think I must be tired. He he. The sun is setting and I feel happy standing in my shop achy and exhausted. In fact, the exhaustion feels really good even though it's exhausting. I had two customers today. People I knew, but it was good, because I got to do the the minor details around the place that I hadn't gotten to yesterday when it didn't feel ready. Things just work out the way they need to sometimes and this is one of those times.

Sadly, my friends have all disappeared from my life and I am sort of feeling sorry for myself. This is one of the biggest things in my life (except in the past when it was my wedding day and when I had my babies .) This is my third child and for weeks, my friends have completely vanished. Maybe they were giving me space and didn't want to get in my way...? I even asked one of them to come on over because I missed her and I'd love her to see the shop (she lives a mile away and has a working car). No show. What gives? I will tell you: If my friend opened a shop, I would be the first customer and bring a box of doughnut holes for opening day or a cup of coffee or get fancy and get a bottle of champagne or El Patron and limes. I've got the sea salt covered. Work perks, y'know. ;)

It's not all bad.
ps: I have gotten more support from my husband, mother and my children than I ever could have expected and it brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it.


The 4 Rockstars said...

*gives you a humongous hug*
I'm really sorry to hear that! I hope at least one of them gets some sense and go visit you.

The 4 Rockstars said...

*bonks head* I forgot to tell you congrats!

Michelle said...

Yes, congratulations Joanna! I would come visit you for sure if I lived nearby, no problemo!

I'm glad you had your family around you though and that they are wonderful :)

Apothecary321 said...

I so wish I was closer! Congratulations & best of luck to you!

Now, go home and hug that family! :)

Heidi said...

Congrats on you shop Jo, I'm so excited for you!

Perhaps your friends are bogged down with the Christmas season...although I'd be at your door with a bottle of wine waiting for the doors to open = ) I'd like to be at your door right now since we're getting our second foot of snow at the moment.

in-between said...

Congratulations Joanna! What an amazing accomplishment! I'm sorry that your friends weren't able to be there with you. Just know, if nahiacreations was bringing the coffee.... I would come and help you close the place up with the Patron and limes! :) But only if Brad agreed to wear a bra on his head while celebrating.

This is to an amazingly successful 2009 for you and your shop!

Anonymous said...

I think even a homebody like me would be there on opening day (just a short mile away too!). But, like Heidi said, maybe they were bogged down by all the holiday stuff. I'm certain your friends do love you - and sometimes, they may be cyber-friends who can't show up, but we are cheering you from where we are!!

Joanna Schmidt said...

I'd just like to say that I am feeling much better and you all are right. I forget, too, that everyone is busy - the holidays - and I am not the center of the universe.

I thank you for your undying support. Thank you thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Joanna,

I've been wishing for weeks that I lived in FL and not the ridiculously frigid MN for reasons that had nothing to do with the weather. I'm very happy for you and would LOVE to see your new place. I hope you'll post some pictures so we can enjoy! :)


Leslie said...

Grrrrr..that stinks that your friend havenet visited. I know I would have been there for the ribbon cutting with a bottle of wine! I am gonna get there eventually..I think its 3 1/2 hours away.

Anne-Marie said...

They'll show up. I know, speaking from my personal experience, that I often have a hard time asking my friends for anything. I guess I do this "everything is fine! everything is fine" attitude and everyone believes me even when I wish that they wouldn't.

(does that even make sense?)

So, maybe take it as a compliment and be like "Yeah! They think I got this all covered and that I'm fine. And, they'll stop by when it's convenient."

Either way - congrats on the new store - I can't wait to see photos!

Robey said...

Quit whining and give your husband a back rub.

Amber said...

I totally would've been there, no matter how busy Christmas stuff is...

I've solved that expectation/disappointment problem by not having any actual friends within a tone hundred mile radius of where I actually live. Works great!

Carrie Garvin said...

I could only imagine the "hurt" you must of felt~ especially since you are the one of the most giving people I know...if it had been turned around I know you would have been the first in line when a new friends door opened.

Can't wait to hear more about your opening and more pics!

I wish you the best of luck!!

jewelboxdreams said...

That's terrible. I know people have busy lives, but you'd think they'd make more of an effort.

But ... when ever I finally get to Florida (I've never been), I'll come visit :0)

Kim said...

Boo! I would be there in a heartbeat to see your new store! I drove all the way to Brooklyn for holiday cider at my friend's new flower shop. If I lived closer, I would be there with your fave Starbucks treat and a big congratulations hug:)

Anonymous said...

I would have been there hammer, chisel and all the tools to help, done lots of reno work, but I am a gazillion miles away.