I am NOT a girly girl and never have been. Always a tom-boy. My daily wear would be old dungarees and a t-shirt. I never got why women got their nails done. If you get them painted, they chip in an hour or if you do NOT lift a finger, then they chip in two hours. Women with long nails always look handicapped to me. No wonder women are looked at as not physically strong. "I can't break a nail!" Well, I am getting older and I still feel the same way about super long nails, but I must confess that I have a nail biting problem that I have never grown out of. I not only bite my nails, I chew on my skin surrounding my nails until I am in pain or I bleed. That makes me handicapped. On any give day I have 4 bum fingers I can't do much with. I am worse than those prissy ladies!
I am not big on painted nails unless you have super short nails, then it is cute. So tips never seemed an option. Then a colleague told me about UV gel nails. Gel nails? Huh? You don't paint them, they are really durable and they don't chip. Say again? I looked into and got hooked on the idea of trying them. Why you ask? Because I figure that if I have short long nails, it will deter me from chewing and fussing with the cuticles and maybe my hands would look beautiful for once, without red sores. So here is the scoop on gel nails along with a picture of them:
GEL NAILS are an extremely natural-looking enhancement: thin, clear, flexible, non-yellowing, nonporous, resist lifting. Gel nails can be used for natural nail overlays (actually one of the most difficult techniques--but it looks the easiest) tip overlays, and sculpted onto forms for short extensions (mine!).
Benefits of Gel Nails:
1) Odorless
2) Natural Feeling
3) Thin
4) Flexible
5) Crystal Clear
6) Light Weight
7) Natural looking
So basically, it's somewhat like acrylics, in that they will put a nail tip on you and then put this goopy stuff on and cure it under a UV light for a few minutes. Then file, buff and polish. There is a lot more involved than that but thats the gist of it. Mine cost $45 for a full set and they are beautiful! Every 3 weeks or so I am supposed to return for a fill-in. I will keep you posted on the gel nail experience. But if you ever want to try nails? Try gel nails first. It is far less damaging than the other types and they look real.