I have been missing in action, again.
s o b u s y
No worries, just caught up in working. A good thing, but we have been crazy busy with wholesale and retail orders. Again, a good thing.
Our turnaround time (TAT):
Our TAT has increased to 3-5 business days. Our sale was great! We were so happy to offer our buy one get one free on all of our full sized perfume oils and many of you took FULL advantage of it. Great job. Perhaps, now you won't have to buy more perfume for a year! :D I am thrilled that many of you came out of the woodwork to try out the perfume oils. I'm hoping there is at least one that speaks to each of you. I have many.
Regarding Perfumes:
We have been having problems with our perfume labels and I have been extremely frustrated trying to find the right solution. Our labels are all hand cut, laminated and finally sealed. Not an easy process, to say the least. I was also surprised to find about two of them where the stickers are beginning to lift off. Well! That was it for me -- a change needed to happen...
There will be new labels for the perfumes as soon as we get them redesigned and printed on new labels that stick forever!
April 1st spring soaps (tomorrow):
I do have soaps to reveal for our spring soap offerings, along with pictures. Not many different ones will be offered but, they are special and we love them. Keep your coffee ready mid morning.... they should be posted here then and offered on our website and etsy shop by midday. Also, there will be so many new ones in about 1-2 months from now, you'll be inundated with choices, so these will keep you busy until then.
In Other News:
There will be a lot of changes at Product Body over the next month or two. All good things, we think. Our soaps will include some recipe changes, many salt soap additions and a new "category" that may surprise and delight you all at the same time.
You all rock!
xo Joanna
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